
A small rant about Fast Fashion

As I said in the previous post, this time I had a different video considering what I've put in my channel so far. Isn't just sewing a bit boring? So today, a bit related to the unboxing and buying new/used clothes, I wanted to rant a bit about sustianability and especially fast fashion and fashion… Continue reading A small rant about Fast Fashion

lolita fashion · Tutorial

New video! Making accessories for the AP dress

Can I actually call it a new video if it already has 2 weeks since I released it? Anyways, I want to try to keep up a schedule of 1 video per month. While it may not look much, it takes time to produce even the simplest of the videos. And I'm not talking just… Continue reading New video! Making accessories for the AP dress

lolita fashion · Tutorial

How to make a lolita headbow | Bow tutorial

How time flies! Last year was really strange, wasn't it? I am sad I didn't write anything at all while still updating my instagram @carolinhaschallerdesign if you don't follow it yet! I've planned to make tutorials for a long time, but pandemic times make it hard to get access to all the materials. I can't… Continue reading How to make a lolita headbow | Bow tutorial